163 results
Feedback on the Lewisham Health Visiting Service - Parents and Carers
Lewisham Council’s Children and Young People’s Commissioning Team are in the process of re-commissioning a range of services supporting the health and wellbeing of children and young people aged 0-19 years old. This consists of two services; the Health Visiting and School Health Service. The ultimate aim of these services is to promote the positive health, wellbeing and development of children and young people. We want to ensure that children and young people have the... MoreOpened 2 February 2022 -
Feedback on the Lewisham Health Visiting Service - Professionals working with the Health Visiting Service
Lewisham Council’s Children and Young People’s Commissioning Team are in the process of re-commissioning a range of services supporting the health and wellbeing of children and young people aged 0-19 years old. This consists of two services; the Health Visiting and School Health Service. The ultimate aim of these services is to promote the positive health, wellbeing and development of children and young people. We want to ensure that children and young people have the... MoreOpened 2 February 2022 -
Feedback on the Lewisham Health Visiting Service - Staff and Volunteers
Lewisham Council’s Children and Young People’s Commissioning Team are in the process of re-commissioning a range of services supporting the health and wellbeing of children and young people aged 0-19 years old. This consists of two services; the Health Visiting and School Health Service. The ultimate aim of these services is to promote the positive health, wellbeing and development of children and young people. We want to ensure that children and young people have the... MoreOpened 2 February 2022 -
Capacity Building to Support Incident Response in the Community Project: Residents Survey
With the Mayor's Office for Policing And Crime (MOPAC) funding, Lewisham Council have formed a partnership made up of internal and external stakeholders who wish to partner with communities to: Understand local issues and challenges, Allow for the development of trauma informed approaches through the provision of clinical support, Strengthen skills and assist in building cohesive communities This MOPAC developed survey aims to give people living in the communities... MoreOpened 14 February 2022 -
Feedback on the School Health Service - Parents and Carers
Lewisham Council are in the process of redesigning a range of services supporting the health and wellbeing of children and young people aged 0-19 years old. This currently consists of two services; Health Visiting and the School Health Service. The aim of these services is to promote the positive health, wellbeing and development of children and young people. We want to ensure that children and young people have the best start in life and are protected from harm, have good physical... MoreOpened 21 February 2022 -
Feedback on the School Health Service - Professionals
Lewisham Council are in the process of redesigning a range of services supporting the health and wellbeing of children and young people aged 0-19 years old. This currently consists of two services; Health Visiting and the School Health Service. The aim of these services is to promote the positive health, wellbeing and development of children and young people. We want to ensure that children and young people have the best start in life and are protected from harm, have good physical... MoreOpened 21 February 2022 -
Creative Futures: Industry Talks Survey
Lewisham is the Mayor’s London Borough of Culture 2022. With a call to action on the climate emergency and a celebration of Lewisham’s diverse communities, the year-long cultural programme is inspired by our borough’s rich history of activism and standing up for equality. Jointly led by Lewisham Council and the Albany, 'We Are Lewisham' is bringing together all of our neighbourhoods, communities and stories. From venues to parks and street corners, we are telling the story... MoreOpened 24 February 2022 -
Lewisham Creative Futures: Kick Off Questionnaire
Lewisham Creative Futures is a Government funded programme of free events, training, information and advice being delivered by Adult Learning Lewisham, Goldsmiths University of London, Entelechy Arts and The Albany to support for adults of all ages from 18+ in Lewisham, to gain employment and improve their health and wellbeing. Completing the following questions will help us understand better your interests and any support needs. We also need this information to report... MoreOpened 18 March 2022 -
Lewisham Creative Futures: Exit Questionnaire
Lewisham Creative Futures is a Government funded programme of free events, training, information and advice being delivered by Adult Learning Lewisham, Goldsmiths University of London, Entelechy Arts and The Albany to support for adults of all ages from 18+ in Lewisham, to gain employment and improve their health and wellbeing. Completing the following questions will help us understand better your interests and any support needs. We also need this information to report... MoreOpened 18 March 2022 -
Have your say on pharmacy services in Lewisham (PNA 2022)
We want to make sure that your local pharmacy (also called a chemist) is giving you the things that you need. For example, your prescription, getting advice on treating minor health concerns and healthy living and/or essential vaccination. We are talking with people who live in Lewisham about this. Please tell us about the local pharmacy that you use most often. If you rarely go to the pharmacy, please tell us about the pharmacy that you used most recently. What we are asking you to do... MoreOpened 7 May 2022 -
Let's Talk Suicide Prevention
Lewisham Council works across a range of services to support the health and wellbeing of its community. An important part of this is to prevent people harming themselves, including taking their own life. Our Public Health team has a strategy and action plan in place with that aim, but we don’t know if there is more we could do to help. Are people in our community sufficiently aware of the support available if they – or someone they know – are considering taking their... MoreOpened 9 May 2022 -
Lewisham All Age Autism Strategy
Lewisham Borough Council are in the process of developing an All Age Autism Strategy and Action Plan. The strategy will outline the council's commitment to work across a range of services and with a variety of partners to improve the quality of life of our autistic population. A key element to the strategy is to include input from our autistic residents, their carers and broader community. By providing your views in this survey we will be able to gain an understanding of the... MoreOpened 12 May 2022 -
Lewisham Tall Buildings Study Addendum
About the study The Lewisham Tall Buildings study is an evidence base document that will support the preparation of the new Lewisham Local Plan. The Local Plan, once adopted, will form part of the Council’s statutory Development Plan alongside the London Plan (2021) and adopted Neighbourhood Plans. It will be used in the determination of planning applications. This study is an Addendum to the Draft Lewisham Tall Buildings Study (2021). The Addendum has been... MoreOpened 16 May 2022 -
Lewisham Open Space Review
About the study and policy The Lewisham Open Space Review is an evidence base document that will support the preparation of the new Lewisham Local Plan. The Local Plan, once adopted, will form part of the Council’s statutory Development Plan alongside the London Plan (2021) and adopted Neighbourhood Plans. It will be used in the determination of planning applications. The study builds upon the Open Space Assessment (2020) and Sites of Importance for Nature... MoreOpened 16 May 2022 -
Application for Bell Green Neighbourhood Area and Forum
A local community group in the Bell Green area has made an application seeking the designation of a Neighbourhood Area and the designation of a Neighbourhood Forum. A designated neighbourhood forum is an organisation or group empowered by the local authority to lead the neighbourhood planning process in a neighbourhood area. A neighbourhood area is an area defined by the forum that they wish to create a neighbourhood development plan for. A... MoreOpened 26 May 2022 -
Creative Futures: Careers Fair
Lewisham is the Mayor’s London Borough of Culture 2022. With a call to action on the climate emergency and a celebration of Lewisham’s diverse communities, the year-long cultural programme is inspired by our borough’s rich history of activism and standing up for equality. Jointly led by Lewisham Council and the Albany, 'We Are Lewisham' is bringing together all of our neighbourhoods, communities and stories. From venues to parks and street corners, we are telling... MoreOpened 26 May 2022 -
Carer Implementation Plan (2022 – 2024): Are we focusing on the key priorities?
According to Carers UK, more than 1 in 8 adults in the UK care for a family member or friend. This care is crucial to meet the needs of the growing population of older people and people with long-term conditions or disabilities, but the vital role often goes unrecognised. The overarching aim of the Unpaid Carer Implementation Plan is to improve outcomes for unpaid carers, and ensure they feel valued and supported in their caring role. Covid-19 had a disproportionate impact on... MoreOpened 30 May 2022 -
Calling all parents and carers - tell us about child care in Lewisham
Thank you for completing this survey. Your response will help us to understand how Lewisham council could better support families with accessing childcare in the borough. Your response will be kept entirely confidential. If you need support with any of the issues covered in this survey, or want to find out more about childcare or family services locally please contact Lewisham Family Information Service (FIS) on 020 8314 3940 or visit www.lewisham.gov.uk/fis ... MoreOpened 29 June 2022 -
Planning Application Local Validation Checklist Consultation
A validation list tells people who are submitting planning applications what supporting information will be needed. It also provides advice on the detail and scope of that information, as the information required will be dependent on the scale and nature of the proposal. The list is divided into two sections, the national validation requirements and the local validation requirements. The national requirements are set by central government and are the same across all... MoreOpened 5 August 2022 -
Proposal to Expand Oak Hill Nursery into Hatcham Oak Children Centre
Why Are We Consulting? We are proposing to extend the lease for Oak Hill Nursery to expand in to the vacant part of the building at Hatcham Oak. This space is currently designated as a Children Centre and as we set out this proposal we would like to hear your views and provide an opportunity for your voice to be heard. History Oak Hill Nursery have occupied part of the site since it was built with in 2006, along with a Sure Start funded Children Centre.... MoreOpened 18 August 2022 -
Have your say on the Lewisham Draft Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA)
What is a Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA)? Lewisham Health and Wellbeing Board is hosted by Lewisham Council. The government requires all Health and Wellbeing Boards to produce an assessment of pharmaceutical services in its area every three years, under the NHS. The next assessment is due by the end of the November 2022. This document is called the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA). Have your say on the Lewisham Draft Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment A Public... MoreOpened 30 August 2022 -
Article 4 Direction - Use Class E (commercial, business and services) to Use Class C3 (residential)
Representation Period for an Article 4 Direction for Class E (commercial, business and service) Lewisham Council approved the making of a non-immediate Article 4 Direction for all Major Centres, District Centres, Local Centres and Strategic Industrial Locations (SIL), Locally Significant Industrial Sites (LSIS) and Mixed-Use Employment Locations (MEL) which removes permitted development rights for the change of use from commercial, business and service use (Use Class E) to... MoreOpened 30 September 2022 -
Article 4 Direction for Small HMOs for the remainder of the borough
Article 4 (1) directions on small HMOs We are withdrawing permitted development rights from most Houses in Multiple Occupation - HMOs. A small HMO is where between three and six unrelated people share basic amenities, such as a kitchen or bathroom. What the direction means? The effect of the Article 4 Directions is that permitted development rights to change any dwelling house (C3) located with Lewisham into a HMO... MoreOpened 30 September 2022 -
London Borough of Culture 2022 - Exit Survey
We would like to hear the views of our residents, audiences and visitors to Lewisham on the Borough, on arts and culture and about what it has meant to be the Mayor’s London Borough of Culture in 2022. Your feedback will be used to better understand how people feel about our London Borough of Culture activities and events. By taking part, you are helping us to reflect on all that has happened and ensure there is a meaningful legacy. If you need language support to... MoreOpened 1 December 2022 -
Business Ratepayers' Consultation on the Council's Proposed 2023-24 Budget
Business rates are a tax that is levied on non-domestic properties, such as shops, offices and warehouses. This is one of the key ways in which local government is financed. Here in Lewisham, business rates help support local services including street lighting, waste collection and public parks. As a local business owner, we are keen to hear from you on our proposed budget and would encourage you to share your thoughts via our online consultation. We’ve included a... MoreOpened 5 January 2023 -
Sustainable Streets consultation
Please open up the link below to access details on how you can respond to this consultation: http://www.lewisham.gov.uk/SustainableStreets MoreOpened 17 January 2023 -
Article 4 Direction for Small HMOs for the remainder of the borough 2023
Article 4 (1) directions on small HMOs We are withdrawing permitted development rights from most Houses in Multiple Occupation - HMOs. A small HMO is where between three and six unrelated people share basic amenities, such as a kitchen or bathroom. What the direction means? The effect of the Article 4 Directions is that permitted development rights to change any dwelling house (C3) located with Lewisham into a HMO... MoreOpened 18 January 2023 -
Consultation on the Statement of Community Involvement
The Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) is a statutory document, where we set out how we will engage with the public and affected communities on planning applications and prepare policy documents, including our Local Plan. Why is this happening? We are required by Government to produce an SCI. This document will replace the previous SCI that was adopted by the Council in 2006 and incorporate previous addendums from 2020 and 2022 which relate to... MoreOpened 20 February 2023 -
Borough-wide Public Space Protection Order (PSPO)
We know that you are concerned about anti-social behaviour in our borough and in the residents' satisfaction survey, you’ve told us that you want to feel safer in Lewisham. Lewisham Council understands well how anti-social behaviour can affect our communities, with residents often feeling powerless to act. Councils have a key role to play in helping to make local areas safe places to live, visit and work. Tackling anti-social behaviour continues to be a high priority for... MoreOpened 27 February 2023 -
Lewisham Dementia Strategy 2023-2026
Dementia is not a disease in itself. Dementia is a word used to describe a group of symptoms that occur when brain cells stop working properly. Dementia affects memory, thinking, behaviour and emotion Early symptoms of dementia can include memory loss, difficulty performing familiar tasks, problems with language and changes in personality There is currently no cure for dementia, but a range of support is available for people with dementia and their carers ... MoreOpened 1 March 2023
163 results.
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