160 results
Business Ratepayer Consultation - proposed budget 2025/26
Business rates tax is a tax that is levied on non-domestic properties, such as shops, offices, and warehouses. It is one of the key elements of local government financing. Here in the Borough of Lewisham, business rates help to fund local services including social care for adults and children, libraries, street lighting, waste collection and public parks. As a local business owner, we are keen to hear from you and would encourage you to share your thoughts via our online... MoreClosed 3 January 2025 -
Consultation on the Planning Enforcement Plan
We are reopening the consultation, which originally ran over the summer, to gain a wider scope of views from the public. How you can help? By answering our 9 questions on the Planning Enforcement Plan and letting us know your views in the comment boxes. This can include your past experiences of planning enforcement and what you think our priorities should be. As we look at achieving our wider vision for Lewisham it is critical that as a planning authority we protect the... MoreClosed 23 December 2024 -
Southend Lane Bus Priority Consultation
Lewisham Council is planning to introduce a new bus priority route along Southend Lane as part of Transport for London’s (TfL) initiative to enhance the speed, reliability and efficiency of the bus network. The current proposal includes: New bus lane : A new 665-meter westbound bus lane from Worsley Bridge to Farmstead Road. Road modifications : Conversion of the central traffic island into a road to create space for the new bus lane. ... MoreClosed 8 November 2024 -
Article 4 Direction - Use Class E (commercial, business and services) to Use Class C3 (residential)
Representation Period for an Article 4 Direction for Class E (commercial, business and service) Lewisham Council approved the making of a non-immediate Article 4 Direction for Major Centres, District Centres, Local Centres and Strategic Industrial Locations (SIL), Mixed-Use Employment Locations (MEL), some Locally Significant Industrial Sites (LSIS) and some Parades, which removes permitted development rights for the change of use from commercial, business and... MoreClosed 1 November 2024 -
Lee Terrace Road Safety Scheme Survey
Lewisham Council is proposing road safety improvements on Lee Terrace and the junction of Lee Terrace, Lee Park and Lee Road with the aim to reduce speeding and increase safety for residents and those who use the route. MoreClosed 6 October 2024 -
Hither Green Lane/Courthill Road Safety Improvement Scheme Consultation
Lewisham Council is proposing traffic calming measures along Hither Green Lane and a section of Courthill Road to reduce speeding and improve road safety for motorists, pedestrians and cyclists. The proposals also include upgrading the crossing on Hither Green Lane near Brindishe Green Primary School to a signalised crossing, creating a safer route to school for pupils. MoreClosed 2 October 2024 -
Community Groups and organisations can apply for NCIL funding to deliver their own projects, please visit the Community Funding Portal to find out how. Residents are invited to support up to nine suggested capital projects. Your preferences will contribute to the overall assessment process. To view and support these projects, please continue reading. Lewisham Council is launching the second round of Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy (NCIL) funding, which will provide... MoreClosed 23 September 2024 -
Areas of Special Local Character - selection criteria & Sydenham and Forest Hill ASLCs
We would welcome your feedback on the selection criteria and statements of significance for Lewisham's Areas of Special Local Character (ASLCs). Areas of Special Local Character are places that have a particular character that lifts them above the ordinary. This will usually be based on the way the area developed historically, and on the use of interesting or unusual architectural forms. They may benefit from their place in the landscape or the way vegetation is... MoreClosed 22 September 2024 -
Calling all parents and carers tell us about your child care needs 2024
Thank you for completing this survey. Your response will help us to understand how Lewisham council could better support families with accessing childcare in the borough. Your response will be kept entirely confidential. If you need support with any of the issues covered in this survey, or want to find out more about childcare or family services locally, please contact Lewisham Family Information Service (FIS) on 020 8314 3940 or visit ... MoreClosed 15 September 2024 -
Vaping (E-Cigarette Use) Survey 2024
The Public Health Team at Lewisham Council, is planning to consult with school staff and students to understand the challenges schools are facing regarding vaping (e-cigarette use) and how we can best support our communities. This questionnaire is adopted from Bristol University. We would very much welcome your feedback to help understand what issues you are experiencing and to help us to understand what would help improve things going forward. It should take you... MoreClosed 18 August 2024 -
Lewisham Council housing resident engagement consultation
This survey asks residents questions about priorities for your engagement, what is important to you and your preferred communications methods. Your response will help to shape how we (Lewisham Council Housing Services) approach resident engagement for the next three years in terms of engagement activities, community projects, the training we offer, and what we focus on. MoreClosed 29 July 2024 -
Lewisham Services for Schools Feedback Survey 2024
To continue to improve our offers to Lewisham Schools we are seeking feedback from Headteachers, Chairs of Governors and School Business Managers to find out what is working and what could be improved on the Lewisham Services for Schools website. By giving us 10 minutes of your time and sharing with us your thoughts on the services you purchased this year, you will help us to improve and evolve what we can offer to our schools borough wide. From this survey we will be... MoreClosed 26 July 2024 -
VAWG Services Procurement Survey
This survey is open to survivors of Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) currently living in Lewisham only and asks questions about the use of support services. If you have not experienced any type of VAWG, please do not respond to the survey. This survey is completely anonymous and you do not have to share your personal details as part of it. One of the key commitments in the Lewisham Domestic Abuse and VAWG Strategy 2021 – 2026 states that... MoreClosed 12 July 2024 -
Parent/Carer Survey - Early Childhood Offer Family Hubs
Lewisham Council is committed to an early childhood offer, which aims to improve outcomes for young children and their families and reduce inequalities. We are currently reviewing how we provide services that are accessed via Children and Family Centres across the borough. These services make up the ‘Early Childhood Offer’, which consists of: play sessions baby massage parenting support and programmes healthy eating and... MoreClosed 31 May 2024 -
Stakeholder Survey - Early Childhood Offer Family Hubs
Lewisham Council is committed to an early childhood offer, which aims to improve outcomes for young children and their families and reduce inequalities. We are currently reviewing how we provide services that are accessed via Children and Family Centres across the borough. These services make up the ‘Early Childhood Offer’, which consists of: play sessions baby massage parenting support and programmes healthy eating and... MoreClosed 31 May 2024 -
Feedback Form Anti-Racist Training
feedback from from your anti-racist training MoreClosed 26 April 2024 -
Landlords in Lewisham
Over the last decade, the Private Rented Sector (PRS) in Lewisham has experienced substantial growth, becoming an increasingly relied-upon housing option. However, this growth has brought with it well-known and significant challenges. In response to these challenges and a s part of its commitment to enhance the well-being of its residents, Lewisham Council has recently established a Scrutiny Task and Finish Group specifically focused on the PRS in Lewisham. Recognising the... MoreClosed 31 March 2024 -
Private Renters in Lewisham
Over the last decade, the Private Rented Sector in Lewisham has experienced substantial growth, becoming an increasingly relied-upon housing option. However, this growth has brought with it well-known and significant challenges. Issues such as the declining supply of houses, escalating rents, a high number of sub-standard properties, and tenancy insecurity have raised concerns among residents. As part of its commitment to address key concerns and enhance the well-being of its... MoreClosed 31 March 2024 -
Parents and guardians have your say about the Lewisham Youth Offer
Why your views matter Lewisham Council is undertaking a review of our current Youth Offer. Your views as parent/guardians are crucial to informing what a youth offer could look like in the future. This will help us to better understand the strengths of the current service offer and inform how we shape youth services for our children and young people going forward. Thank you for taking the time to provide your valuable input as we work to review our Youth service offer to better... MoreClosed 31 March 2024 -
Markets and Forecourt Licence Fees and Charges 2024-25
We are proposing to update market trading and forecourt licence fees and charges, which were last updated in April 2019. Since then, the costs associated with running our markets (including waste management, infrastructure costs and storage costs) have continued to increase, while revenues have fallen. Under the London Local Authorities Act, we are required to ensure that our market trading operations do not operate at a profit or a loss. To ensure we can comply... MoreClosed 25 February 2024 -
Deptford Church Street Cycleway Survey
A safer cycle route along Deptford Church Street is proposed in the form of a segregated cycle lane between Creek Road (A200) and Deptford Broadway/Deptford Bridge. This will make it safer and easier to cycle around the borough, helping people to make more journeys by bike and reducing traffic, pollution and carbon emissions. We are asking residents to share their views on the proposed scheme by midday on Tuesday 2 January 2024. You can view a design of the... MoreClosed 2 January 2024 -
Business Ratepayer Consultation
Business rates tax is a tax that is levied on non-domestic properties, such as shops, offices, and warehouses. It is one of the key elements of local government financing. Here in the Borough of Lewisham, business rates help to fund local services including social care for adults and children, libraries, street lighting, waste collection and public parks. As a local business owner, we are keen to hear from you and would encourage you to share your thoughts via our online... MoreClosed 31 December 2023 -
Road Crossing at Manwood Road
We are proposing to install a new crossing on Manwood Road – next to the junction with Ewhurst Road – to improve road safety, encourage walking and cycling and make it safer for pupils travelling to and from Prendergast Ladywell School. The current proposals include a new zebra crossing for pedestrians combined with an adjacent cycle crossing (sometimes referred to as a ‘tiger’ crossing), realigning the kerb to increase pavement space and restricting the left... MoreClosed 6 December 2023 -
Serious Violence Duty Survey
As part of the Government's new Serious Violence Duty , Lewisham Council are undertaking a public consultation to gather the views and perceptions of serious violence in the Borough. In addition to this survey, we will attend community events around Lewisham to gather more in depth feedback from the local community. If you would like to be involved in these events, please visit Lewisham Council social media to find out more about upcoming events or contact... MoreClosed 3 December 2023 -
New play and games areas at Watergate School
Watergate Primary School on Lushington Road, Bellingham is a school for young children with profound and complex special educational needs and disabilities which caters for learners aged 4-11. The school is in high demand, reflecting the increased need for specialist places in Lewisham as well as across the country. Lewisham is working towards ensuring that all our children & young people can access provisions locally that meet their needs, and is therefore proposing to expand the... MoreClosed 16 November 2023 -
PZ Short survey
Finding out what activities you would like in your local area MoreClosed 15 November 2023 -
PZ Longer survey
What's this survey about? We are applying for funding to improve the courts in areas around Lewisham We want to ensure that local residents are involved in deciding what kind of sports /activities you are interested in. This will ensure we put in the right equipment and that the surface is the best fit for these activities. We are also keen to hear about other things like security, and any support you might like when using the courts. MoreClosed 15 November 2023 -
Have your say! Shaping Lewisham to 2030
As we look to the future, we are launching Lewisham 2030 which will set out our shared hopes and ambitions for the borough into the next decade. There are lots of wonderful things about Lewisham that we wish to preserve and build upon, but there are always opportunities to improve. We know that we are faced with pressing challenges such as climate change, the cost of living crisis and inequality. By working together we have a greater chance of tackling these challenges. ... MoreClosed 29 October 2023 -
Children and Family Centres - Stakeholder Survey
Lewisham Council are in the process of reviewing and developing services that support children and their families. This includes the current Children and Family Centres offer and our emerging Family Hubs offer. The aim of these services is to promote the positive health, wellbeing and development of children and to support their families to achieve this, with a particular focus on the early years. We want to ensure that children in Lewisham have the best... MoreClosed 27 October 2023 -
Lewisham Learning Disability Implementation Plan Consultation
What is a Learning Disability? A learning disability is defined as: A significantly reduced ability to understand new or complex information, to learn new skills (impaired intelligence), with a reduced ability to cope independently (impaired social functioning), which started before adulthood’. An IQ of less than 70. A learning disability is lifelong condition. It has no social or... MoreClosed 24 October 2023
160 results.
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