VAWG Services Procurement Survey

Closed 12 Jul 2024

Opened 20 May 2024


This survey is open to survivors of Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) currently living in Lewisham only and asks questions about the use of support services. If you have not experienced any type of VAWG, please do not respond to the survey. 

This survey is completely anonymous and you do not have to share your personal details as part of it.

One of the key commitments in the Lewisham Domestic Abuse and VAWG Strategy 2021 – 2026 states that Lewisham Council will continue to ensure that all victims of violence and abuse have access to a ‘one stop shop’ VAWG service, including safe accommodation. 

Lewisham Council commissions Safe Accommodation and Specialist Support Services for people affected by Domestic Abuse and Violence Against Women and Girls. This includes:

  • Domestic abuse - abusive behaviour between two people that are both aged 16 or over and are personally connected to each other, including physical or sexual abuse, violent or threatening behaviour, coercive or controlling behaviour, economic abuse, psychological or emotional abuse
  • Sexual violence (any behaviour perceived to be of a sexual nature which is unwanted and takes place without consent or understanding)
  • Harmful cultural practices (The most common forms of harmful cultural practice are female genital mutilation, honour-based violence, and forced marriage, however it can take many other forms)
  • Sexual harassment (unwanted behaviour of a sexual nature which has the effect of violating dignity, creating a hostile or offensive environment, and causing intimidation, degradation or humiliation)
  • Stalking (Stalking is repeated, i.e., on at least two occasions, of harassment causing fear, alarm or distress. It can include threatening phone calls, texts or letters; damaging property; spying on and following the victim)
  • Trafficking (Trafficking involves the recruitment, transportation and exploitation of adults and children for the purposes of prostitution and domestic servitude across international borders and within countries)

Why your views matter

We will be recommissioning our services in 2025 and are keen to hear feedback from a wide range of individuals and organisations on how we can improve our support services and accommodation offering. We want to know what victims/survivors of VAWG in Lewisham need and want from services when they are experiencing abuse, and the kind of support that would be helpful to them during that time.

If you are affected by the topics in this survey and would like additional support, please contact the Athena service, run by Refuge. Refuge provides confidential, non-judgmental support to those living in Lewisham who are experiencing gender-based violence, including domestic and/or sexual abuse. The service supports women and girls aged 13 and over, and men aged 16 or over regardless or gender identity and sexuality. You can contact them via phone 0800 112 4052 or via email on or seek other forms of support available on our webpage



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