Private Renters in Lewisham

Closed 31 Mar 2024

Opened 31 Oct 2023


Over the last decade, the Private Rented Sector in Lewisham has experienced substantial growth, becoming an increasingly relied-upon housing option. However, this growth has brought with it well-known and significant challenges. Issues such as the declining supply of houses, escalating rents, a high number of sub-standard properties, and tenancy insecurity have raised concerns among residents.

As part of its commitment to address key concerns and enhance the well-being of its residents, Lewisham Council has recently established a Scrutiny Task and Finish Group specifically focused on the Private Rented Sector in Lewisham. The aim of this group is to gain valuable insights into the prevailing challenges faced by private renters and to explore the availability and effectiveness of support services designed to assist them. By doing so, the group hopes to identify areas for potential improvement and to suggest meaningful changes that benefit residents.

The Task and Finish group recognises that the most valuable insights come directly from those experiencing these challenges daily- private renters in Lewisham. The survey aims to gather information on-

  • your household structure;
  • financial aspects such as rent and property affordability;
  • your experience of renting with a disability if applicable;
  • rental challenges;
  • your awareness of renters’ rights and of the support services available to you, including those provided by the Council.

Completing this anonymous survey should take approximately 10 minutes of your time.

Your participation in this survey is crucial as it will enable the group to identify the key areas of concern and gain a better understanding of the current support services available for private renters in the borough.

Why your views matter

Your first-hand experiences as private renters in Lewisham are invaluable in shaping policies and support services that directly impact your lives. By sharing your experience, you can help identify and address the challenges that you face and improve the effectiveness of existing support services. Your participation is essential in creating positive change and ensuring your needs and heard and met.

Please click on the link below to participate in the survey.


  • All Areas


  • Lewisham residents


  • Housing and homelessness
  • Civic participation and democracy