163 results
Nutrition, Physical activity and Healthy Weight Management Consultation (18+)
Lewisham Council recognises the power of healthy lifestyles (eating well, being physically activewith a healthy weight) to increase both the physical and mental wellbeing of its population. We recognise that at the moment it’s a very challenging and unsettling time with many people self-isolating and avoiding public spaces due to the Coronavirus. But looking to the future, the Council is planning services and initiatives to start in April 2022 and we want to hear from residents... MoreOpened 16 February 2021 -
Feedback from people referred to WW and Slimming World (Lewisham referral scheme)
We have developed an online survey for people who have been referred to Slimming World or WW via their GP or self-referral. If you completed your 12 week programme, we’d like to know about your experience, what you liked and didn’t like about Slimming World or WW. If you didn’t start your referral programme, we would like to know why you didn’t take up this offer, and if you started but didn’t finish 12 weeks, we’d like to know more. The feedback you give us will... MoreOpened 16 February 2021 -
School Restrictions Survey
We would like residents' feedback on our proposals aimed at making children's journeys to and from schools within the Lewisham and Lee Green Low Traffic Neighbourhood (LTN) safer and healthier. The proposals will see a number of streets and schools in your area temporarily closed during school pick-up and drop-off times. Frequently Asked Questions about proposed timed road closures are here: ... MoreOpened 1 March 2021 -
Calling all parents & carers - tell us your views about play in Lewisham
Lewisham Council knows how important play is for our children ’s and young people's development. We want to ensure we make the best use of our play resources to support all children and young people to enjoy play and thrive. We have appointed the specialist organisation London Play to help us develop a plan for play for the borough , and we would like to capture as many views from children, young people, parents and carers... MoreOpened 1 March 2021 -
School staff working with children and young people aged 10-19 years old.
Lewisham Council’s Children and Young People’s Commissioning Team are in the process of re-commissioning services supporting the health and wellbeing of children and young people aged 10-19 years old. Currently the main health service for young people aged 10-19 is the Young People’s Health and Wellbeing Service, run by an organisation called Compass. This contract comes to an end in 2022, and we want to make sure that we design a future service that reflects the needs... MoreOpened 3 March 2021 -
Professionals working with children and young people aged 10-19 years old.
Lewisham Council’s Children and Young People’s Commissioning Team are in the process of re-commissioning services supporting the health and wellbeing of children and young people aged 10-19 years old. Currently the main health service for young people aged 10-19 is the Young People’s Health and Wellbeing Service, run by an organisation called Compass. This contract comes to an end in 2022, and we want to make sure that we design a future service that reflects the needs... MoreOpened 3 March 2021 -
Community Champions -gathering more insights
We want to better understand the profile of Lewisham's Community Champions to ensure recruitment reflects Lewisham's diverse community. We also want to understand what wider health and wellbeing information would be of benefit to Champions and those you support. MoreOpened 9 March 2021 -
Deptford Neighbourhood Action (DNA) Neighbourhood Forum re-designation
A local community group in the Deptford area has made an application seeking the re-designation of their Neighbourhood Forum. A designated Neighbourhood Forum is an organisation or group empowered by the local authority to lead the neighbourhood planning process in a designated Neighbourhood Area. The Neighbourhood Area was designated when the group first submitted a Neighbourhood Area and Forum application. It remains as a designated Neighbourhood Area so will not be subject to a... MoreOpened 18 March 2021 -
Small Sites Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) Consultation
Lewisham, like all boroughs, is dealing with a housing crisis and a climate emergency. To help tackle these issues, we’ve completed a draft small sites design guidance document, encouraging the delivery of more high-quality, sustainable homes across the borough. In September 2020 we appointed Architects Ash Sakula and RCKa to work on a draft of the Small Sites Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) . They completed an initial consultation process with local agents,... MoreOpened 19 March 2021 -
Lewisham Holiday Activities and Food Programme: Funding Opportunity
London Borough Lewisham has been awarded funding by the Department of Education (DfE) to co-ordinate a local Holiday Activities and Food Programme (HAF). The programme will provide free activities and healthy food for school children and young people (aged 4-16 years) eligible for and in receipt of benefit related Free School Meals (FSM) during summer and Christmas school holidays. We are looking to award funding to a wide range of... MoreOpened 11 May 2021 -
Lewisham Domestic Abuse and Violence against Women and Girls Strategy 2021-26
Why are we doing this survey? We’re seeking your views to help us to develop a new strategy to tackle domestic abuse and all forms of Violence against Women and Girls in Lewisham. The strategy will run for five years from 2021 to 2026. The survey is open to everyone living and working in Lewisham that is aged 16 or over. You do not have to have experienced violence or abuse to complete it. A draft version of our strategy , and a one-page summary , is available to read. You... MoreOpened 20 May 2021 -
Re-engaging our audiences
Lewisham’s libraries have been substantially closed for over a year, with efforts to provide some level of service through Click & Collect, which have been interrupted repeatedly due to COVID restrictions. As most of our lives gradually return to normal, we are keen to re-engage with our audiences to hear if your priorities have changed. We want to know what it is that is most important to you, so that we can make sure our libraries remain as relevant as possible going... MoreOpened 9 June 2021 -
Lewisham's Discretionary Freedom Pass Scheme
Like all local authorities, Lewisham needs to continue making significant cuts in its spending due to reductions in central government funding. As a result, we have taken the difficult decision to end our Discretionary Freedom Pass scheme. We are aware that the decision to end the scheme will have an impact on some of our more vulnerable residents. We are therefore asking all current Discretionary Freedom Pass holders for their views and opinions on how we implement this decision,... MoreOpened 23 June 2021 -
Proposed support for arts and culture in Lewisham
This consultation is about the proposed priorities for Lewisham Council support to the arts and culture sector in Lewisham 2022-25. We want to seek views on these proposals. MoreOpened 29 June 2021 -
Ending Hate Crimes & Hate Incidents in Lewisham Housing Support Services
The LBL Prevention, Inclusion and Public Health Commissioning (PIPHC) team, Lewisham housing support providers and service users, are working on an initiative to end hate crimes and hate incidents (HCAHI) in Lewisham housing support services. PIPHC are requesting that staff working across Lewisham Supported Housing services complete this questionnaire. The responses will be co-ordinated by PIPHC who will filter the results by service and distribute responses to relevant... MoreOpened 14 July 2021 -
Waste Management Strategy Consultation
The Council is passionate about creating a cleaner and greener borough . To help us achieve this, we have drafted a new Waste Management Strategy, aligned with our Climate Emergency Action Plan. We are committed to reducing waste, improving air quality and protecting the environment for future generations. Within the draft strategy, we want to offer a roadmap setting out how residents, businesses, visitors, housing providers and Council services can work together to... MoreOpened 23 July 2021 -
Proposed Motorcycle Parking Charges
Motorcycles currently park for free throughout Lewisham. That is set to change with the proposed introduction of emissions-based parking charges. After declaring a climate emergency in 2019, Lewisham Council launched its Climate Emergency Action Plan, detailing how it intended to tackle the issue, and outlining its aims to become carbon neutral by 2030. Lewisham Council - Making Lewisham carbon neutral by 2030: our climate emergency declaration To help tackle air pollution and... MoreOpened 9 August 2021 -
Air Quality Action Plan
Lewisham Council has produced a draft Air Quality Action Plan 2022-2027 setting out the commitments and actions of the Council to improve air quality over the next five years. Please ensure you read about the key measures in the Air Quality Action Plan before completing ths consultation. MoreOpened 1 September 2021 -
Lewisham Foster Carer Survey September 2021
We would like your views on how Lewisham Fostering Service is performing. This will enable us to improve and more efficiently develop our services to ensure we provide you with the right support. MoreOpened 20 September 2021 -
Local Flood Risk Management Strategy
The statutory duties of the Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) sit with the Council. One of the duties of the LLFA is to write, review and maintain a Local Flood Risk Management Strategy (LFRMS) which outlines the measures and actions that Lewisham will take to reduce flood risk in the borough. The previous LFRMS was published in 2015 and now needs to be reviewed and updated. We would welcome hearing from members of the public on their views about the draft LFRMS. MoreOpened 27 September 2021 -
A21 Development Framework Consultation
Welcome to the consultation survey page for the A21 Development Framework which is being consulted on between Thursday 14 th Ocober and Friday 12 th November. The draft A21 Development Framework is a planning guidance document produced by Lewisham Council which sets a vision, objectives and development strategy for the part of the A21 located within Lewisham and sites located alongside and close by to the road. For more information about the A21... MoreOpened 14 October 2021 -
Selective Licensing for Private Rented Properties
Lewisham Council is proposing the introduction of selective property licensing for landlords in parts of Lewisham. Licensing will help us improve the quality of privately rented housing in these areas by tackling issues like overcrowding and unsafe buildings. Licensing also allows us to tackle issues that affect the wider community, like anti-social behaviour. Find out more about the proposals and let us know your views. MoreOpened 16 October 2021 -
Food and physical activity in schools
Thank you for completing our survey. This is our first in a series of 5 that we will be sending out to you (using Citizen Space) to ask your schools views on a range of health related topics. Using the information you submit, we want to understand how we can best support you to improve the health and wellbeing of your school community. This first survey asks for some data and updates on your whole systems approach to obesity. It includes your schools engagement with the Daily... MoreOpened 4 November 2021 -
Barriers to retrofitting privately owned homes: call for evidence
Privately owned housing is responsible for the largest proportion of household carbon emissions in Lewisham. Many of those homes tend to be older and would benefit from improvements and updates to their insulation and energy efficiency. Retrofitting is described as the act of fitting new systems (windows, heating, insulation, etc.) designed for high energy efficiency and low energy consumption to buildings previously built without them. This call for evidence aims... MoreOpened 12 November 2021 -
Supporting Relationships and Sex Education in schools for pupils aged 11-16 years
Following the introduction of a statutory curricula and the expressed need from schools, this is a survey of support needs across the Relationships and Sex Education curricula of Lewisham Schools that will inform commissioning external support across academic years 2022/23 and 2023/24. This survey aims to help us understand support needs for Lewisham primary and special schools. It is based on curricula requirements from the Department for Education. It reflects the differing... MoreOpened 15 December 2021 -
Supporting Relationships and Sex Education in Schools 5-11 years
Following the introduction of a statutory curricula and the expressed need from schools, this is a survey of support needs across the Relationships and Sex Education curricula of Lewisham Schools that will inform commissioning external support across academic years 2022/23 and 2023/24. This survey aims to help us understand support needs for Lewisham primary and special schools. It is based on curricula requirements from the Department for Education. It reflects the differing... MoreOpened 15 December 2021 -
London Borough of Culture 2022
We would like to hear the views of our residents and visitors to Lewisham on the Borough, on arts and culture and about what it means to be the Mayor’s London Borough of Culture in 2022. Your feedback will be used to better understand how people feel about our London Borough of Culture activities and events. By taking part, you are helping us to make this wonderful opportunity the best that it can be. This survey should take less than 10 minutes to complete... MoreOpened 21 December 2021 -
Lewisham Services for Schools website
To continue to improve our offers to Lewisham Schools we are seeking feedback from Headteachers, Chairs of Governors and School Business Managers to find out what is working and what could be improved on the Lewisham Services for Schools website. We are also asking your views about the content and presentation of Schools Weekly Bulletin. By giving us 10 minutes of your time and sharing with us your thoughts on the services you received this year, you will help us to improve and... MoreOpened 11 January 2022 -
Selective Licensing for properties in the private rented sector
Lewisham Council is proposing the introduction of selective property licensing for landlords in parts of Lewisham. Licensing will help us improve the quality of privately rented housing in these areas by tackling issues like overcrowding and unsafe buildings. Licensing also allows us to tackle issues that affect the wider community, like anti-social behaviour. MoreOpened 21 January 2022 -
Audience Survey
Lewisham is the Mayor’s London Borough of Culture 2022. With a call to action on the climate emergency and a celebration of Lewisham’s diverse communities, the year-long cultural programme is inspired by our borough’s rich history of activism and standing up for equality. Jointly led by Lewisham Council and the Albany, 'We Are Lewisham' is bringing together all of our neighbourhoods, communities and stories. From venues to parks and street corners, we are telling the story of... MoreOpened 24 January 2022
163 results.
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