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159 results

  • Vaping (E-Cigarette Use) Survey 2024

    The Public Health Team at Lewisham Council, is planning to consult with school staff and students to understand the challenges schools are facing regarding vaping (e-cigarette use) and how we can best support our communities. This questionnaire is adopted from Bristol University. We would very much welcome your feedback to help understand what issues you are experiencing and to help us to understand what would help improve things going forward. It should take you... More
    Closed 18 August 2024
  • Consultation on the Planning Enforcement Plan

    The Planning Enforcement Plan is currently being drafted and will form the basis of our decision-making in all Planning Enforcement matters in Lewisham. The Plan aims to set out the policies, approaches and priorities that we will apply in our day-to-day work when investigating and resolving breaches in planning regulation. This consultation is your opportunity to make comments and suggestions on this Plan. Why is this happening? We are implementing the... More
    Closed 30 August 2024
  • Calling all parents and carers tell us about your child care needs 2024

    Thank you for completing this survey. Your response will help us to understand how Lewisham council could better support families with accessing childcare in the borough. Your response will be kept entirely confidential. If you need support with any of the issues covered in this survey, or want to find out more about childcare or family services locally, please contact Lewisham Family Information Service (FIS) on 020 8314 3940 or visit ... More
    Closes 15 September 2024
  • Areas of Special Local Character - selection criteria & Sydenham and Forest Hill ASLCs

    We would welcome your feedback on the selection criteria and statements of significance for Lewisham's Areas of Special Local Character (ASLCs). Areas of Special Local Character are places that have a particular character that lifts them above the ordinary. This will usually be based on the way the area developed historically, and on the use of interesting or unusual architectural forms. They may benefit from their place in the landscape or the way vegetation is... More
    Closes 22 September 2024
  • LewishamNCIL

    Community Groups and organisations can apply for NCIL funding to deliver their own projects, please visit the Community Funding Portal  to find out how. Residents are invited to support up to nine suggested capital projects. Your preferences will contribute to the overall assessment process. To view and support these projects, please continue reading. Lewisham Council is launching the second round of Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy (NCIL) funding, which will provide... More
    Closes 23 September 2024
  • Hither Green Lane/Courthill Road Safety Improvement Scheme Consultation

    Lewisham Council is proposing traffic calming measures along Hither Green Lane and a section of Courthill Road to reduce speeding and improve road safety for motorists, pedestrians and cyclists. The proposals also include upgrading the crossing on Hither Green Lane near Brindishe Green Primary School to a signalised crossing, creating a safer route to school for pupils. The current proposals include: Installing new traffic calming measures along... More
    Closes 2 October 2024
  • Lee Terrace Road Safety Scheme Survey

    Lewisham Council is proposing road safety improvements on Lee Terrace and the junction of Lee Terrace, Lee Park and Lee Road with the aim to reduce speeding and increase safety for residents and those who use the route. The current proposals include installing new speed cushions along the length of Lee Terrace and Belmont Hill to reduce speeding. We are also proposing to re-align the roundabout between Lee Terrace, Lee Park and Lee Road to improve visibility for drivers using... More
    Closes 2 October 2024
  • Cold Blow Lane walking and cycling project Survey

    Lewisham Council is proposing a trial road restriction at Cold Blow Lane to improve road safety and encourage walking and cycling. From Monday 29 July 2024, Cold Blow Lane between Mercury Way and Sanford Walk, will be closed to motor vehicles until further notice. Over the years, the community has been concerned about this section of road being dangerous for pedestrians and cyclists. There have been multiple petitions and campaigns calling for change. This trial scheme in is... More
    Closes 31 January 2025
  • Self-build and Custom-build Registration Form

    About the register We have set up a register for people who are interested in the self-build or custom-build houses in Lewisham, in line with our duties according to the Self-build and Custom Housebuilding Act 2015 and the Self-build and Custom Housebuilding (Register) Regulations 2016. The register forms part of the our evidence base and help us understand the level of demand for self-build and custom-build houses. This helps us prepare and implement planning policies and regeneration... More
    Closes 1 April 2025
159 results. Page 6 of 6