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159 results

  • Ladywell Controlled Parking Zone

    Following requests we have had from local residents and businesses about parking in Ladywell, Lewisham Council are consulting to see if there is a need to implement a controlled parking zone in the area. Please note: This survey was administered on Lewisham's old consultation portal which is no longer in use. It is being replicated here to allow the results to be shared with residents. More
    Closed 1 June 2018
  • Lewisham Planning Department GDPR & Consultation Survey

    The London Borough of Lewisham regularly consults the public on topics relating to strategic planning and policy. There will be a number of consultations over the coming months that we would like to keep you informed of. More
    Closed 3 August 2018
  • Draft Low Emission Vehicle Strategy 2018-2022 Consultation

    Improving local air quality by reducing emissions from road traffic is a priority for Lewisham. Providing an accessible network of electric vehicle charging points will play a vital role in facilitating the uptake of electric vehicles. This is a necessity to deliver air quality improvements and achieve the Mayor of London’s target for a zero emission transport network by 2050. Lewisham has drafted its first Low Emissions Vehicle Strategy detailing how we intend to promote low... More
    Closed 13 August 2018
  • Lewisham Streets Improvement Map

    Lewisham Council is looking at ways to make Lewisham’s streets healthy! We want to encourage more people to walk, cycle or take public transport. As a resident or someone that works or studies in the borough we want you to tell us where we can make improvements to the streets to make walking and cycling more enjoyable! More
    Closed 13 August 2018
  • Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule Consultation

    The Council is consulting on a new Community Infrastructure Levy (‘CIL’) Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule (PDCS) and responses are being invited by Thursday 6 th September 2018. CIL is a levy that local authorities can choose to charge on new development in their area. The detailed implementation of CIL is set out in the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 (as amended). The Council must spend the levy on... More
    Closed 6 September 2018
  • Council Tax Reduction Scheme 2019- 2020

    In April 2013 the Goverment abolished the national Council Tax Reduction Scheme, which helped those on low income to pay their Council Tax. In place of Council Tax Benefit each council had to introduce its own Local Council Tax Reduction Scheme and agree it each year. The Goverment has reduced the funding for the Scheme each year. Following a detailed consultation in 2013 the Council introduced a Scheme that was based on the previous national Scheme but required people of working age to... More
    Closed 23 September 2018
  • Consultation on Alterations and Extension Supplementary Planning Document.

    A supplementary planning document (SPD) provides advice and guidance on the implementation of policies and proposals contained in Lewisham’s development plan. SPDs form part of the Local Development Framework (LDF). We want to ensure that the highest design quality is achieved in residential extensions and alterations within the Borough of Lewisham. To create a high quality proposal the design process must be carefully considered from the outset. More
    Closed 27 September 2018
  • Parent/Carers Support following Child's Diagnosis of ASD

    Lewisham Autism Support service provides post diagnosis support, advice and information to families who receive a clinical diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) for their child. Families are asked following the diagnosis if they would like to be referred to the service and if agreed a meeting is booked in with families as soon as possible following the diagnosis. Support is tailored and personalised to their identified issues so that they are of maximum benefit to all families. The... More
    Closed 12 October 2018
  • Consultation for the adoption of the Perry Vale and Christmas Estate Conservation Area and Article 4 Direction

    The Council is consulting local residents and groups for the adoption of a new conservation area, and Article 4 Direction in the Perry Vale ward. We have written an appraisal in support of the adoption of this proposed conservation area which explains the historic and architectural importance of this area to the borough of Lewisham. The Council is seeking thoughts and opinions on the appraisal, the principle of the adoption of the area as a conservation area, and the... More
    Closed 23 October 2018
  • Main Grants Programme

    This consultation is about the proposed approach to, and priorities for, Lewisham Council’s main grants programme. We want to seek views on the proposed grants criteria and a number of questions relating to how we might allocate funding across the programme. More
    Closed 25 October 2018
  • Lewisham Local Plan – Call for Sites

    This consultation will help us prepare our new Local Plan, which once adopted, will comprise part of Lewisham's statutory development plan. Specifically, the consultation will assist the Council in identifying strategic sites for a range of land uses which can support delivery of the spatial strategy for the borough. Where appropriate, sites identified through this consultation may be taken forward in planning policies (such as site allocations or land-use designations). This exercise will... More
    Closed 1 November 2018
  • Cuts To Balance The Reduction In The Public Health Grant For 2019/20

    Tell Us Your Public Health Priorities After Government Budget Cut The Health and Social Care Act (2012) transferred the bulk of public health functions to local authorities. The Council is responsible for improving the health of Lewisham residents as laid out by the Association of Directors of Public Health . The Council receives a Public Health Grant from the Department of Health to meet these responsibilities. In Lewisham the grant is £24,325,000 for 2018/19. ... More
    Closed 7 November 2018
  • Gypsy and Traveller Site(s) Local Plan Preferred Site

    Travellers are part of our diverse community in the Lewisham borough. As we do with all our residents, we have been looking at their housing needs. We have found that the community needs at least six pitches in the borough up to 2031. This is because some traveller families currently live in traditional bricks and mortar homes but would prefer to live in a mobile home on a permanent pitch. Having searched for sites across the borough, carrying out consultations on... More
    Closed 12 November 2018
  • Revised Statement Of Gambling Policy (2019-22)

    Section 349 of the Gambling Act 2005 requires all licensing authorities to prepare and publish a statement of licensing principles that they propose to apply in exercising their functions under the Act. This is commonly known as a statement of policy. The Statement of Gambling Policy forms the licensing authority’s mandate for managing local gambling provision and sets out how the licensing authority views the local risk environment and therefore its expectations in relation to... More
    Closed 21 November 2018
  • Draft Lewisham Local Implementation Plan

    In early 2018 the Mayor of London released his vision for transport in the capital called the Mayor’s Transport Strategy (MTS). It sets out how traveling around London by walking, cycling and public transport, in particular, can be improved. Three key themes are at the heart of the MTS: 1. Healthy streets and healthy people 2. A good public transport experience 3. New homes and jobs The Mayor of London requires each borough to develop a... More
    Closed 24 November 2018
  • A New Vision for New Cross - Area Framework and Station Opportunity Study

    The proposed Bakerloo Line extension could bring huge benefits to the New Cross area. Through this consultation page/material you can find out how we are planning ahead so that we can take advantage of the benefits a new station interchange might bring to the area, and how you can get involved. LB Lewisham have collaborated with Transport for London (TfL) and the Greater London Authority (GLA) to appoint architects 5th Studio and urban designers We Made That to develop a... More
    Closed 14 December 2018
  • Lewisham's Evening and Night Time Economy

    Lewisham is a great place to live, and a great place to socialise. We want to build on this success, and support a thriving and inclusive evening and night time economy. Following the launch of the Mayor of London’s Vison for a 24 hour London , we are developing our own night time economy strategy for Lewisham. A successful evening and night time economy should cater for a range of interests including eating and drinking, cultural and leisure activities, shopping and... More
    Closed 18 December 2018
  • Blackheath Common - Proposed Cycling and Walking Improvements

    The Mayor of London’s aim for 2041 is for 80% of all trips in London to be made on foot, by cycle or using public transport. LB Lewisham is working on initiatives to help reach this target by gearing towards a “Healthy Streets” approach as set out in the Mayor’s Transport Strategy (2017) which encourage people to use their car less. This will help reduce the amount of dirty air in London, encourage active travel and tackle congestion on our already clogged up roads. ... More
    Closed 18 January 2019
  • Residents' Charter for Estate Regeneration

    Lewisham Council is committed to tackling the housing crisis and delivering 1,000 new social homes across the borough. The redevelopment of existing council homes is a crucial factor in the commitment to provide residents with improved housing. In order to ensure that this is delivered sustainably, the council would like to hear your views on the proposed Residents’ Charter and to suggest additional guarantees that the council can make to any resident whose home is due to be improved by... More
    Closed 20 January 2019
  • Lewisham Democracy Review - "A democratic and open Lewisham"

    During the 2018 Lewisham Mayoral election, the new Mayor Damien Egan promised to ‘launch a review that will make our Council even more democratic, open and transparent’. In July 2018, the Council agreed to establish a Local Democracy Review Working Group. As part of the review, we want to hear residents’ views about how we can strengthen local democracy for everyone. Councillors will be attending local events and visiting community groups across the borough, and we have also set up... More
    Closed 27 January 2019
  • Business Ratepayers Consultation on the Council’s proposed 2019/20 Budget

    The Council is required under the Local Government Finance Act 1992 to ensure that Business Rate payers are consulted on the proposed budget. This will allow businesses to review the changes in the Budget 2019-20 and respond with any comments that they may have. Lewisham Council invites such representatives to take part in the annual consultation for the 2019/20 financial year. Please respond by filling the form at the end of this... More
    Closed 1 February 2019
  • Lewisham Crime Survey 2019

    The Lewisham Crime Survey is an annual survey seeking views of Lewisham residents on crime, anti-social behaviour and safety. More
    Closed 24 February 2019
  • Children with Complex Needs Service User Engagement Survey

    The Children with Complex Needs Service provides support to children and young people who have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and are between the ages of 0 and 25 years old. We believe that children and young people with SEND deserve the best start in life and the best possible opportunities to learn, develop and play. We are committed to working together in partnership with our internal and external agencies, and with our children and young people and their families and... More
    Closed 26 February 2019
  • Consultation on the designation of Lewisham Park Conservation Area and Article 4 Direction

    Lewisham Council has been working with the Lewisham Park Crescent Residents’ Association on a proposal to designate a new Conservation Area focused on Lewisham Park, the Memorial Gardens and the Victorian and Edwardian houses on the southern and eastern sides. Bredgar, Malling and Kemsley are included in the area. The Council is consulting local community groups and residents on a proposal for the adoption of a new Conservation Area focused on Lewisham Park, the Memorial... More
    Closed 1 March 2019
  • Barriers to disposing of waste

    Recycling is one of the most important things you can do for the environment, and we would like to make sure that all our residents are recycling as much as possible. To help you dispose of your rubbish properly, we want to find out if you are experiencing any difficulties with our waste collection service. More
    Closed 8 April 2019
  • Lewisham Characterisation Study

    Allies and Morrison Urban Practitioners were commissioned by the Council in February 2018 to prepare the Lewisham Characterisation Study. The study updates the previous 2010 Characterisation Study and responds to the significant growth and change in the borough since this time. The study sets out the description of the physical form of the borough, its history, places, streets and buildings. It provides an understanding of the particular attributes which make the borough what it is... More
    Closed 23 April 2019
  • Article 4 Direction on small HMOs within Lewisham’s southern wards

    Lewisham Council approved the making of a non-immediate Article 4 Direction for Lewisham’s southern wards to withdraw permitted development rights for the change of use from dwelling houses (Use Class C3) to small HMO’s (Use Class C4) where between 3 and 6 unrelated people share basic amenities such as a kitchen or bathroom. This means that planning permission will be required within this area from 7 March 2020 onwards before a single family dwelling house can be... More
    Closed 2 May 2019
  • Re-procurement of drug and alcohol services for adults

    This consultation is seeking your views on drug and alcohol services for adults within Lewisham, which are in the process of being recommissioned. Drug and alcohol use can impact on the individual, their families or friends, local communities and society as a whole in many different ways which can result in physical and psychological harm that can have a far reaching impact. Commissioned services within Lewisham are designed to meet the needs of local residents, with the aim to help... More
    Closed 28 May 2019
  • Improving air quality – a parking consultation

    We are consulting on proposed updates to our parking policy Air pollution is causing a public health crisis in London, with thousands of Londoners dying prematurely each year from long term exposure to vehicle exhausts. We know this is also an inequalities issue too, with those living in the most deprived areas exposed to higher levels of pollutants. Despite the fact that car ownership in Lewisham is amongst the lowest in the country (47% of households... More
    Closed 2 August 2019
  • A new Conservation Area Appraisal and Article 4 Direction for Deptford High Street and St Paul's Church Conservation Area

    St Paul's Church and Deptford High Street were designated as Conservation Areas in the 1970s. This was in recognition of the exceptional quality of the Church and spaces around it, and the survival of rare and unusual buildings that developed between the 17th and 19th centuries around the historic road to Canterbury (now the A2) at its crossing point over Deptford Creek, and the nearby Royal Naval Dockyard on the Thames. The Conservation Area is considered to be at risk of... More
    Closed 9 August 2019
159 results. Page 1 of 6