152 results
Improving air quality – a parking consultation
We are consulting on proposed updates to our parking policy Air pollution is causing a public health crisis in London, with thousands of Londoners dying prematurely each year from long term exposure to vehicle exhausts. We know this is also an inequalities issue too, with those living in the most deprived areas exposed to higher levels of pollutants. Despite the fact that car ownership in Lewisham is amongst the lowest in the country (47% of households... MoreOpened 13 June 2019 -
A new Conservation Area Appraisal and Article 4 Direction for Deptford High Street and St Paul's Church Conservation Area
St Paul's Church and Deptford High Street were designated as Conservation Areas in the 1970s. This was in recognition of the exceptional quality of the Church and spaces around it, and the survival of rare and unusual buildings that developed between the 17th and 19th centuries around the historic road to Canterbury (now the A2) at its crossing point over Deptford Creek, and the nearby Royal Naval Dockyard on the Thames. The Conservation Area is considered to be at risk of... MoreOpened 17 June 2019 -
Healthwatch and the NHS Complaints Advocacy Service
This consultation is about involving the public in the design, commissioning and delivery of health and care services. It aims to capture the views of residents and stakeholders in order to shape a new service specification for a Healthwatch and NHS Complaints Advocacy Service. MoreOpened 1 July 2019 -
Sydenham Hill Ridge Neighbourhood Planning Area and Forum applications
A local community group in the Sydenham Hill area has made an application seeking the designation of a Neighbourhood Area and the designation of a Neighbourhood Forum. A designated neighbourhood forum is an organisation or group empowered by the local authority to lead the neighbourhood planning process in a neighbourhood area. A neighbourhood area is an area defined by the forum that they wish to create a neighbourhood development plan for. A neighbourhood area is also designated by... MoreOpened 5 September 2019 -
Help us improve our online communications with young people
We want to improve the way we communicate with young people online, including social media. The following survey will help us to understand what we should change to try to do this. Why we’re doing this: In 2018 we carried out a local democracy review which included workshops in schools. Young people suggested that we should: improve our online presence and use of social media conduct more surveys online be more accessible where young... MoreOpened 7 October 2019 -
Re-designation of Hopcroft Neighbourhood Forum
A local community group in the Honor Oak and Crofton Park area has made an application seeking the re- designation of a neighbourhood forum. A designated neighbourhood forum is an organisation or group empowered by the local authority to lead the neighbourhood planning process in a neighbourhood area. A neighbourhood area is an area defined by the forum that they wish to create a neighbourhood development plan for. A neighbourhood area is also designated by the local authority. ... MoreOpened 25 October 2019 -
Deptford Parks Liveable Neighbourhood Project Proposals
T his consultation is looking for your views on the specific proposals regarding the Transport fro London (TfL) funded Deptford Parks Liveable Neighbourhood that were developed as part of the face-to-face and online community engagement carried out over the last year. You can read more on this previous engagement through our informal consultation page as well as the online mapping consultation . So far we have gained lots of valuable feedback and this... MoreOpened 4 November 2019 -
New Additions to the Councils List of Locally Listed Buildings
The Council is consulting local residents and groups on additions to the Council’s List of Buildings of Local historic, architectural & social importance (‘the Local List’). The proposed additions to the List are nominations that have been made by local residents, amenity groups, Council Officers and Councillors over the last five years. A list of the proposed additions can be found by clicking the following link: Proposed Additions to the Local List The proposed... MoreOpened 7 November 2019 -
Tell us what you think about our draft New Cross Gate Supplementary Planning Document
The Council has prepared a draft Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) for New Cross Gate. We are seeking your views on the document. UPDATE - Consultation drop-in A drop in session at New Cross Learning (283-285 New Cross Road, SE14 6AS) is taking place on 17 th December from 5pm until 8pm to provide an opportunity for interested parties to talk directly with Council Officers about the proposals. What is an SPD and why do we need them? ... MoreOpened 13 November 2019 -
Tell us what you think about our draft Surrey Canal Triangle Supplementary Planning Document
The Council has prepared a draft Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) for Surrey Canal Triangle. We are seeking your views on the document. UPDATE - Consultation drop-in We are holding a drop-in session on 10 December from 5–8pm at Scotney Hall, 19 Sharratt Street, SE15 1EY. This will be a chance for you to come and talk to planning officers about the draft SPD. What is an SPD and why do we need them? A Supplementary... MoreOpened 13 November 2019 -
Review Of Lewisham's Special Educational Needs And Disability Information, Advice And Support Service (SENDIASS)
Lewisham Council has a duty to provide a free, confidential and impartial Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS) for parents/carers and young people aged 16 to 25 years with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), on all matters relating to SEND. The service is required to be reviewed by Lewisham Council at the end of next year. When we review services such as SENDIASS, we are thinking about what improvements can... MoreOpened 18 November 2019 -
Lewisham Housing Strategy 2020-26
We are consulting on our housing strategy for 2020-26. We want to hear from you so we can make sure we are taking the right steps to solve the housing crisis. Details of how we are proposing to do this are available in the draft Housing Strategy 2020-26 summary document (see below). Other language support If you want to share your views in this consultation, but English is not your first language, you can get translation in another language. Please email: ... MoreOpened 28 January 2020 -
Understanding the active lives of young people in Lewisham
The Council is developing a 10-year Physical Activity and Healthy Lifestyle Strategy for the borough, which we aim in publish later this year. Our aim is to get more residents physically active and help them improve their health and how they feel. A vital part of this is understanding the views of local children and young people towards physical activity. MoreOpened 5 February 2020 -
Physical Activity and Healthy Lifestyle Strategy
We understand that at the moment it’s a very challenging and unsettling time with many people self-isolating and avoiding public spaces due to the Coronavirus. However, looking positively to the future, we would like you to think about how you might become more active. This will be at a time when your life starts to feel more normal again. With this in mind, the Council is developing a 10-year Physical Activity and Healthy Lifestyle Strategy for the borough, which we aim in... MoreOpened 5 February 2020 -
Statement of Licensing Policy
The Licensing Act 2003 (Section 5) requires every Licensing Authority to prepare and publish a statement of its licensing policy every 5 years. Lewisham Council, as the Licensing Authority, has reviewed its statement of Licensing Policy. The new revised version for 2020-2025 aims to set out a clear set of principles that the Licensing Authority will uphold and promote in everything it does in administering the licensing regime in the borough. The ultimate aim of... MoreOpened 7 February 2020 -
Grove Park Neighbourhood Forum re-designation
A local community group in the Grove Park area has made an application seeking the re-designation of their Neighbourhood Forum. A designated Neighbourhood Forum is an organisation or group empowered by the local authority to lead the neighbourhood planning process in a designated Neighbourhood Area. The Neighbourhood Area was designated when the group first submitted a Neighbourhood Area and Forum application. It remains as a designated Neighbourhood Area so will not be subject to... MoreOpened 13 July 2020 -
Beckenham Place Park East improvements
This consultation is about potential changes to the eastern side of Beckenham Place Park. MoreOpened 28 August 2020 -
Addendum to the Statement of Community Involvement (Planning Policy)
The Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) is a document which sets out how and when the council will consult with and involve the community and other stakeholders in planning matters including in the preparation of Lewisham's development plan, its supporting documents and in the planning application process. Since the SCI was adopted in 2006 there have been significant changes to the planning system. These changes establish new legal requirements and processes for consulting... MoreOpened 2 October 2020 -
Public information session on Lewisham and Lee Green Low Traffic Neighbourhood
An online residents’ information session about the Lewisham and Lee Green Low Traffic Neighbourhood (LTN) has been organised as follows: Date - Thursday 22nd October Time - 7.00pm to 8.30pm Location - Online (register below to receive link) Mayor, Damien Egan and Chief Executive, Kim Wright will present the short term changes that will be made to the Lewisham and Lee Green Low Traffic Neighbourhood and respond to questions from... MoreOpened 15 October 2020 -
Physical Activity and Healthy Lifestyle Strategy (2)
We understand that at the moment it’s a very challenging and unsettling time with many people self-isolating and avoiding public spaces due to the Coronavirus. However, looking positively to the future, we would like you to think about how you might become more active. This will be at a time when your life starts to feel more normal again. With this in mind, the Council is developing a 10-year Physical Activity and Healthy Lifestyle Strategy for the borough, which we aim in... MoreOpened 20 October 2020 -
Understanding the active lives of young people in Lewisham (2)
The Council is developing a 10-year Physical Activity and Healthy Lifestyle Strategy for the borough, which we aim in publish later this year. Our aim is to get more residents physically active and help them improve their health and how they feel. A vital part of this is understanding the views of local children and young people towards physical activity. MoreOpened 20 October 2020 -
Covid-19 Rapid Test survey
Lewisham is one of several councils across London to roll out new rapid tests which will allow many more people in Lewisham to get tested whether they have symptoms or not. Experience elsewhere suggests that it is not always easy to get people to come forward for this testing. We would like to get your feedback on what you believe are some of the barriers that might limit people coming forward to be tested and how we can overcome these. In order that we get a broader understanding... MoreOpened 19 November 2020 -
Lewisham Housing Allocation Scheme Policy Review
We are proposing some changes to the Housing Allocation Scheme and we want to hear what you think. An Allocation Scheme is a way of allocating social housing to eligible applicants on the housing register. The process means that once residents on the housing register apply for social housing, the Allocation Scheme then determines who should be prioritised and on what grounds. Our latest Allocation Scheme Policy was set out in April 2017. The aim of the proposed changes is to improve... MoreOpened 27 November 2020 -
Borough of Sanctuary Survey
We would like to hear about the experience of refugees, asylum seekers and migrants living in Lewisham, both positive and negative. We will use this information to improve the way we deliver services, to identify new services that may be required and to get information on how these residents would like to contribute to their local community. MoreOpened 7 January 2021 -
Business Ratepayer Consultation 2021/22
The council is required under the Local Government Finance Act 1992 to ensure that Business Ratepayers are consulted on its proposed annual budget (General Fund). The council is hereby consulting with the business rate payers in the borough on its estimated General Fund budget for 2021/22 This will allow local businesses to have a say on the proposals the council is making regarding its 2021/22 spending plans. Your response to the... MoreOpened 11 January 2021 -
Will you get the COVID-19 vaccination when it's your turn?
The COVID-19 vaccination is being rolled out to priority groups across South-East London. Each day as more people are vaccinated in Lewisham, we reduce the risk the virus poses to ourselves, our loved ones and the most vulnerable in the community. If anyone has concerns about the vaccination, we would like to learn more to help make sure we are providing the right information for everyone. MoreOpened 14 January 2021 -
Registration for Local Plan Online Events
A series of online sessions about the Local Plan have been organised as follows: Thursday 4th February, 5.30pm -7pm, Vision and Strategy Tuesday 9th February, 5.30pm - 7pm, Design and Heritage Thursday 11th February, 5.30pm - 7pm, Economy and Culture Tuesday 16th February, 5.30pm - 7pm, Green Infrastructure and Environmental Sustainability ... MoreOpened 15 January 2021 -
Consultation on the Lewisham Local Plan - Main Issues and Preferred Approaches
Share your views on Lewisham’s new Local Plan We are preparing a new Local Plan, which will help shape Lewisham to 2040. The Local Plan helps to ensure that planning decisions are made in the best interests of our neighbourhoods and communities. It provides a strategy for the Council and its partners to direct investment across Lewisham, recognising it is an integral part of London. It includes policies and guidelines that are used to determine... MoreOpened 15 January 2021 -
Lee Neighbourhood Forum re-designation
A local community group in the Lee Green area has made an application seeking the re-designation of their Neighbourhood Forum. A designated Neighbourhood Forum is an organisation or group empowered by the local authority to lead the neighbourhood planning process in a designated Neighbourhood Area. The Neighbourhood Area was designated when the group first submitted a Neighbourhood Area and Forum application. It remains as a designated Neighbourhood Area so will not be subject to... MoreOpened 15 February 2021 -
Nutrition, Physical activity and Healthy Weight Management Consultation (18+)
Lewisham Council recognises the power of healthy lifestyles (eating well, being physically activewith a healthy weight) to increase both the physical and mental wellbeing of its population. We recognise that at the moment it’s a very challenging and unsettling time with many people self-isolating and avoiding public spaces due to the Coronavirus. But looking to the future, the Council is planning services and initiatives to start in April 2022 and we want to hear from residents... MoreOpened 16 February 2021
152 results.
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