Consultation hub

Find out about upcoming, open and closed consultations run by Lewisham Council.

See what consultations are happening in your area and take part in consultations about things that are important to you.


How to find a consultation:

Click on an open consultation below to take part or search for consultations by keyword, postcode or interest.

When a consultation closes, you can see the results by clicking on the relevant consultation.

Open Consultations

  • Lewisham Services for Schools Feedback Survey 2024

    To continue to improve our offers to Lewisham Schools we are seeking feedback from Headteachers, Chairs of Governors and School Business Managers to find out what is working and what could be improved on the Lewisham Services for Schools website. By giving us 10 minutes of your time and...

    Closes 26 July 2024

  • Vaping (E-Cigarette Use) Survey 2024

    The Public Health Team at Lewisham Council, is planning to consult with school staff and students to understand the challenges schools are facing regarding vaping (e-cigarette use) and how we can best support our communities. This questionnaire is adopted from Bristol University. We...

    Closes 28 July 2024

  • Lewisham Council housing resident engagement consultation

    This survey asks residents questions about priorities for your engagement, what is important to you and your preferred communications methods. Your response will help to shape how we (Lewisham Council Housing Services) approach resident engagement for the next three years in terms of...

    Closes 29 July 2024

  • Consultation on the Planning Enforcement Plan

    The Planning Enforcement Plan is currently being drafted and will form the basis of our decision-making in all Planning Enforcement matters in Lewisham. The Plan aims to set out the policies, approaches and priorities that we will apply in our day-to-day work when investigating and resolving...

    Closes 30 August 2024

  • LewishamNCIL

    Community Groups and organisations can apply for NCIL funding to deliver their own projects, please visit the Community Funding Portal  to find out how. Residents are invited to support up to nine suggested capital projects. Your preferences will contribute to the overall assessment process....

    Closes 23 September 2024

Forthcoming Consultations

Closed Consultations

  • VAWG Services Procurement Survey

    This survey is open to survivors of Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) currently living in Lewisham only and asks questions about the use of support services. If you have not experienced any type of VAWG, please do not respond to the survey. This survey is completely anonymous and...

    Closed 12 July 2024

  • Stakeholder Survey - Early Childhood Offer Family Hubs

    Lewisham Council is committed to an early childhood offer, which aims to improve outcomes for young children and their families and reduce inequalities. We are currently reviewing how we provide services that are accessed via Children and Family Centres across the borough. These services make up...

    Closed 31 May 2024

  • Parent/Carer Survey - Early Childhood Offer Family Hubs

    Lewisham Council is committed to an early childhood offer, which aims to improve outcomes for young children and their families and reduce inequalities. We are currently reviewing how we provide services that are accessed via Children and Family Centres across the borough. These services make up...

    Closed 31 May 2024

  • Feedback Form Anti-Racist Training

    feedback from from your anti-racist training

    Closed 26 April 2024

  • Parents and guardians have your say about the Lewisham Youth Offer

    Why your views matter Lewisham Council is undertaking a review of our current Youth Offer. Your views as parent/guardians are crucial to informing what a youth offer could look like in the future. This will help us to better understand the strengths of the current service offer and inform how...

    Closed 31 March 2024

We Asked, You Said, We Did

Here are some of the issues we have consulted on and their outcomes. See all outcomes

We asked

We asked business ratepayers within the borough for their views on our proposed budget for 2023-24, as business rates are a key contributor to our income budget. Business rates help support local services including street lighting, waste collection and public parks. We laid out the Council’s seven Priorities and asked ratepayers to tell us what was most important to them, as well as asking what they thought we were doing well and what needs improvement.

You said

  • There is a good level of business support offered to its businesses and that the north of the borough had good public transport links, safe streets and school streets. People are able to live locally and avoid long journeys to reach work and leisure facilities. 
  • There is support for increasing street safety and public transport, and a strong desire for a reduction in graffiti. 
  • Business rates should be reduced generally and there should be more access to grants. You suggested that new businesses should be entitled to 100% relief in the first year and then a sliding scale for the next five years to enable the business to be established. The benefit of this being that the business would be better able to benefit the wider local community and create and protect jobs.

We did

  • The Council recognises the difference between the north and south of the borough in terms of infrastructure provision and continues to work collaboratively with Transport for London and other partners to secure investment, to ensure that both capital and service delivery provides for all of our residents across all wards. 
  • The Council’s Active Travel Fund, as part of its planned capital programme, seeks to increase the number of safe streets and school streets, and will work closely with Transport for London to improve public transport accessibility where possible. As part of the pressures funding for 2023/24 there is specific additional funding being made available to tackle fly tipping and ensure that the Council can continue to tackle and enforce against all types of antisocial or illegal activity on our streets. 
  • Business Rates are governed by legislation, in particular the Local Government Finance Act 1992. Whilst we appreciate the comments in terms of the charges and applicable reliefs for new businesses, the Council are solely responsible for the billing and collection of Business Rates, not the setting of these.
  • Tackling antisocial behaviour: Please provide your views on our proposed Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) here

We asked

To help Lewisham Council to prepare an assessment of the current and future needs of local people for pharmacy services, we asked you to tell us how your local pharmacy (also called a chemist) is giving you the things that you need. For example, your prescription, getting advice on treating minor health concerns and healthy living and/or essential vaccination.

You said

Overall, 129 participants completed the survey, and more than 98% were Lewisham residents. Most of the respondents were from SE6 (postcode) or SE13. Majority of the respondents were female (78%) and age group of 45-74 (66%). About 59% of the respondents identified themselves as White British. Around 31% of the respondents consider themselves to have a disability and Hidden disability: Diabetes was declared from 64% of the respondents who said to have a disability.

The survey findings were as follows:

  • The majority (95%) of the respondents use a pharmacy in Lewisham. Using a pharmacy one a month was the most common usage by the respondents (50%).
  • Most of the respondents said they use the local pharmacy to collect prescribed medication (97%). Many used their local pharmacy for advice (33%) and to buy medication that doesn’t need a prescription (over the counter medicines) (58%).
  • More than half of the respondents use the same pharmacy on a regular basis (73%).
  • More than half of the respondents usually walk to their pharmacy (78%), and it takes no more than 10 minutes (66%)
  • A quarter of the respondents said there is a more convenient or closer pharmacy that they do not use (33%).
  • For weekdays, mornings (36%) and afternoon (31%) were the most convenient time for respondents to access as pharmacy.
  • For Saturday, mornings (63%) and afternoon (28%) were the most convenient time for respondents to access as pharmacy.
  • For Sunday, mornings (47%) and afternoon (27%) were the most convenient time for respondents to access as pharmacy.
  • Collecting prescriptions (91%) or repeat prescriptions (93%), buying over the counter medicines (93%) and advice from your pharmacist (91%) were the most selected services that the respondents have used from the pharmacy.
  • Most of the respondents wanted to have different public health and/or clinical services offered by the pharmacy, however, services that were not sure or not wanted by the majority of respondents were needle exchange (no: 18%, don’t know: 51%), stopping smoking/nicotine replacement therapy (no: 24%, don’t know: 35%) and supervised consumption of methadone and buprenorphine (no: 22%, don’t know: 46%).
  • Majority of the respondents were satisfied or very satisfied with the opening times (79%), consultation rooms (42%), and medicines review and advice (47%).

We did

We used your feedback to help develop our draft of the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) which is now available to review from this link (

We are now at the second stage of our consultation. A Public Consultation is being undertaken from 30th August 2022 to 28th October 2022, to seek the views of members of the public and other stakeholders, on whether they agree with the contents of this Draft Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment Report and whether it addresses issues that they consider relevant to the provision of pharmaceutical services. We would like you to give us your views on the draft PNA report by the 28th October. The feedback will be reported and reflected in the final revised Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment Report, in November 2022.

We asked

Between 9th May and 10th June 2022 we asked residents about their knowledge of suicide prevention interventions and training available.

You said

89 responses were received, mostly female and white. All those who responded had heard of the Samaritans but much fewer had heard of Papyrus or the Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide (SOBS). Not many knew what they would say to someone who admitted to wanting to take their own life.

We did

In December 2022 the Council’s Health and Wellbeing Board (chaired by the Mayor) agreed the strategy and the action plan and work will begin to deliver against the aims set out in the strategy. Both the strategy and action plan can be found below.