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156 results

  • Main Grants Programme

    This consultation is about the proposed approach to, and priorities for, Lewisham Council’s main grants programme. We want to seek views on the proposed grants criteria and a number of questions relating to how we might allocate funding across the programme. More
    Opened 26 July 2018
  • Lewisham Streets Improvement Map

    Lewisham Council is looking at ways to make Lewisham’s streets healthy! We want to encourage more people to walk, cycle or take public transport. As a resident or someone that works or studies in the borough we want you to tell us where we can make improvements to the streets to make walking and cycling more enjoyable! More
    Opened 21 July 2018
  • Self-build and Custom-build Registration Form

    About the register We have set up a register for people who are interested in the self-build or custom-build houses in Lewisham, in line with our duties according to the Self-build and Custom Housebuilding Act 2015 and the Self-build and Custom Housebuilding (Register) Regulations 2016. The register forms part of the our evidence base and help us understand the level of demand for self-build and custom-build houses. This helps us prepare and implement planning policies and regeneration... More
    Opened 19 July 2018
  • Lewisham Planning Department GDPR & Consultation Survey

    The London Borough of Lewisham regularly consults the public on topics relating to strategic planning and policy. There will be a number of consultations over the coming months that we would like to keep you informed of. More
    Opened 11 July 2018
  • Draft Low Emission Vehicle Strategy 2018-2022 Consultation

    Improving local air quality by reducing emissions from road traffic is a priority for Lewisham. Providing an accessible network of electric vehicle charging points will play a vital role in facilitating the uptake of electric vehicles. This is a necessity to deliver air quality improvements and achieve the Mayor of London’s target for a zero emission transport network by 2050. Lewisham has drafted its first Low Emissions Vehicle Strategy detailing how we intend to promote low... More
    Opened 29 June 2018
  • Ladywell Controlled Parking Zone

    Following requests we have had from local residents and businesses about parking in Ladywell, Lewisham Council are consulting to see if there is a need to implement a controlled parking zone in the area. Please note: This survey was administered on Lewisham's old consultation portal which is no longer in use. It is being replicated here to allow the results to be shared with residents. More
    Opened 10 May 2018
156 results. Page 6 of 6