Small Sites Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) Consultation
Lewisham, like all boroughs, is dealing with a housing crisis and a climate emergency. To help tackle these issues, we’ve completed a draft small sites design guidance document, encouraging the delivery of more high-quality, sustainable homes across the borough.
In September 2020 we appointed Architects Ash Sakula and RCKa to work on a draft of the Small Sites Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) . They completed an initial consultation process with local agents, architects and developers and worked with LBL officers and councillors to produce the first draft of this design guidance.
We’d like to hear your views on the draft Small Sites SPD (click image below to view)
We are holding a Virtual Town Hall event on the 25th May 2021 at 17:30.
This event will be a chance for you to hear directly from Lewisham officers and a chance to ask questions about the guidance prior to completing the online consultation
Why your views matter
The consultation is inviting those interested to view and comment on the draft SPD and associated documents through this consultation page. Further consultation is taking place on Commonplace (Click Here).
The consultation period will end on the 7th June 2021.
This consultation is asking people to provide their views on:
- The design guidance within the document
- Whether the document is easy to use and understand
- Any other comments on the content of the draft document
The draft SPD sits as part of a suite of documents including a Vision Document, Design Guide and Appendices.
Draft Documents
Please see the following documents attached at the bottom of this page or accessible via the links below:
- Small Sites Vision – Development Strategy Document - This document gives the background and approach to the SPD.
- Small Sites Design Guide – Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) - This is the main document shown above which gives guidance on current adopted planning policies, and how to deliver new housing on small sites in the borough.
- Small Sites Appendices – Additional and Supporting information - This document includes research and mapping work completed by the consultants.
- Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Screening Report - This document considers whether there would be any impact to the Environment from the content of the SPD. After consulting with external stakeholders, it was concluded that a SEA would not be required.
Please click the "Online Survey" link below to give us any comments or feedback on the draft Small Sites SPD.
Event 1 - Agents, Architects, Developers and Construction Professionals. (Invite Only)
From 18 May 2021 at 16:30 to 18 May 2021 at 18:30This event is invite only and will go out to the councils known agents forum and other consulted professionals. If you are a developer, Architect and would like to be invited please email
Event 2 - Amenity societies, conservation and community groups. (Invite Only)
From 20 May 2021 at 17:30 to 20 May 2021 at 19:00This event is invite only and will go out to the councils known amenity societies and community forum and other consulted professionals. If you are a member of a society and would like to join please contact you society chair and if you would like additional invitations please email
Event 3 - Virtual Town hall Open to the Public
From 25 May 2021 at 17:30 to 25 May 2021 at 19:00Gets tickets via Eventbrite link here.
This event is open to the public and will be held as a virtual town hall. This event will be a chance for you to hear directly from Lewisham officers and a chance to ask questions about the guidance prior to completing the online consultation.
- Bellingham
- Blackheath
- Brockley
- Catford South
- Crofton Park
- Downham
- Evelyn
- Forest Hill
- Grove Park
- Ladywell
- Lee Green
- Lewisham Central
- Perry Vale
- Rushey Green
- Sydenham
- Telegraph Hill
- General public
- Lewisham residents
- Businesses
- Voluntary and community groups
- Professional stakeholders (e.g. teachers, GPs, police etc.)
- Staff
- Regeneration
- Planning
- Environment
- Housing and homelessness
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