Forthcoming Consultations

2 results

  • Cold Blow Lane walking and cycling project Survey

    Lewisham Council is proposing a trial road restriction at Cold Blow Lane to improve road safety and encourage walking and cycling. From Monday 29 July 2024, Cold Blow Lane between Mercury Way and Sanford Walk, will be closed to motor vehicles until further notice. Over the years, the community has been concerned about this section of road being dangerous for pedestrians and cyclists. There have been multiple petitions and campaigns calling for change. This trial scheme in is... More
    Opens 29 July 2024
  • Areas of Special Local Character - selection criteria & Sydenham and Forest Hill ASLCs

    We would welcome your feedback on the selection criteria and statements of significance for Lewisham's Areas of Special Local Character (ASLCs). Areas of Special Local Character are places that have a particular character that lifts them above the ordinary. This will usually be based on the way the area developed historically, and on the use of interesting or unusual architectural forms. They may benefit from their place in the landscape or the way vegetation is... More
    Opens 5 August 2024
2 results. Page 1 of 1