Lewisham Housing Allocation Scheme Policy Review

Closed 14 Mar 2021

Opened 27 Nov 2020

Results expected 31 Aug 2021

Feedback expected 31 Aug 2021


We are proposing some changes to the Housing Allocation Scheme and we want to hear what you think.

An Allocation Scheme is a way of allocating social housing to eligible applicants on the housing register. The process means that once residents on the housing register apply for social housing, the Allocation Scheme then determines who should be prioritised and on what grounds. Our latest Allocation Scheme Policy was set out in April 2017.

The aim of the proposed changes is to improve the policy, making it fairer and more responsive to housing needs in the borough.  

The current Allocation Scheme can be found here:


If you do not undertand any of the details or the questions provided by this consultation we are happy to help. Please email housingconsultation@lewisham.gov.uk

If you require a paper copy of this consultation, please get in touch with  housingconsultation@lewisham.gov.uk Please note that due to the current Coronavirus restrictions, it may take longer to receive this than usual. 

If you require translation of this consultation, we are able to provide an interpretor upon request free of charge, please email  housingconsultation@lewisham.gov.uk  to arrange an appointment.

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இந்த ஆலோசனைக்கான மொழிபெயர்ப்பு உங்களுக்குத் தேவையெனில் கோரிக்கையின் பேரில் நாங்கள் ஒரு மொழிபெயர்த்துரைப்பாளரை இலவசமாக வழங்க முடியும். ஒரு முன்பதிவு நியமனத்தை ஏற்பாடுசெய்ய housingconsultation@lewisham.gov.ukஇற்கு மின்னஞ்சல் செய்யுங்கள்.


Si necesita un servicio de traducción para esta consulta, podemos proporcionarle los servicios de un intérprete de forma gratuita. Envíe un correo a housingconsultation@lewisham.gov.uk para concertar una cita.


Jeśli potrzebujesz tłumacza, możemy zarezerwować jego usługi. Prosimy wysłać e-maila pod adres housingconsultation@lewisham.gov.uk, aby umówić wizytę. Usługa ta jest bezpłatna.


Si vous avez besoin d’une traduction lors de cette consultation, nous sommes maintenant en mesure de faire appel à un·e interprète gratuitement si cela est nécessaire. Veuillez envoyer un e-mail à housingconsultation@lewisham.gov.uk pour prendre rendez-vous.



Why your views matter

The Allocation Scheme affects a wide range of Lewisham's residents, landlords and business owners. There are nearly 10,000 people on the housing register and only around 1,000 properties become available per year.

All local authorities in England must have an Allocation Scheme to determine:

  • who is prioritised for social housing
  • who is eligible
  • how the policy is applied and the procedure for allocating housing accommodation

Your feedback will be used to shape the Allocation Scheme, making sure it works as effectively as possible. 

Your responses will help us to ensure that the finalised Allocation Scheme is fair and responsive to housing need across the borough.

Your feedback will be presented to the Mayor and Cabinet of Lewisham Council as part of the decision-making process.  

Summary of changes     

Further details of the proposed changes will be provided throughout the consultation, but the six, main proposed changes are as below:

  1. We will change the banding structure. This will help us to reallocate priority for different rehousing reasons, ensuring that the Allocation Scheme is responsive to housing needs within the borough.  
  2. We will modify the 'overcrowded' rehousing reason to ensure that those experiencing the most severe overcrowding are prioritised.
  3. We will create a new 'priority homeless with additional need' rehousing reason to ensure that we are able to respond to very specific cases of homelessness across the borough
  4. We will ring-fence up to 20% of properties on the register. This will help us to make best use of the available social housing with the resources that we already have
  5. We will increase the number of properties an applicant can bid for each week
  6. Where applicable, we will reduce the 'Three Offer' Rule for refusing a property to a 'Two Offer' Rule   

What happens next

Thank you for your interest and participation in this consultation. All representations will be considered as part of the decision-making process on whether to continue with plans to implement the proposed scheme.

After the consultation response deadline, officers will analyse the responses and deliberate as to what feedback should be incorporated into the Allocation Scheme Policy. We will aim to publish the final Allocation Scheme Policy within six months of the response deadline and will provide updates on the actions that were taken as a result of the consultation.   


  • Bellingham
  • Blackheath
  • Brockley
  • Catford South
  • Crofton Park
  • Downham
  • Evelyn
  • Forest Hill
  • Grove Park
  • Ladywell
  • Lee Green
  • Lewisham Central
  • Perry Vale
  • Rushey Green
  • Sydenham
  • Telegraph Hill


  • Staff


  • Equality and diversity