Food and physical activity in schools

Closed 6 Dec 2021

Opened 4 Nov 2021


Thank you for completing our survey.  This is our first in a series of 5  that we will be sending out to you (using Citizen Space) to ask your schools views on a range of health related topics. Using the information you submit, we want to understand how we can best support you to improve the health and wellbeing of your school community.  

This first survey asks for some data and updates on your whole systems approach to obesity. It includes your schools engagement with the Daily Mile, Sugar Smart and the National Child Measurement Programme.

Future surveys will ask about your schools support needs for Relationships and Sex Education (RSE), Emotional Health and Wellbeing, Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education and supporting staff wellbeing. In a previous head teachers meeting  the impact lockdown had on pupil’s developing healthy relationships was discussed.  We want to know what we can do to help you to manage these situations as they arise, and what support you need.  

Each survey will help us to develop and plan our commitment to you going forward. We continue to be committed to listening to our schools to shape how  Council services and our external partnerships can provide the best possible support to meet the health and emotional needs of your pupils, staff and the wider school community.




  • Bellingham
  • Blackheath
  • Brockley
  • Catford South
  • Crofton Park
  • Downham
  • Evelyn
  • Forest Hill
  • Grove Park
  • Ladywell
  • Lee Green
  • Lewisham Central
  • Perry Vale
  • Rushey Green
  • Sydenham
  • Telegraph Hill


  • Professional stakeholders (e.g. teachers, GPs, police etc.)


  • Health and wellbeing