Local Plan consultation on proposed main modifications

Closed 26 Mar 2025

Opened 13 Feb 2025


Lewisham Local Plan Independent Examination - Consultation on  Proposed Modifications in accordance with the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 Regulation 24

The Local Plan helps to ensure that planning decisions are made in the best interests of our neighbourhoods and communities. It will establish a future vision for Lewisham over a 20-year period (2020 to 2040).  It provides a strategy for the Council and its partners to direct investment across Lewisham, along with policies and guidelines used to determine planning applications.

The Planning Inspectorate, on behalf of the Secretary of State for Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG), is carrying out an independent Examination in Public of the new Local Plan, with Hearings held during June and July 2024. This is being undertaken in accordance with the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 Regulation 24.

The Council is now carrying out a focussed consultation, specifically on the Main Modifications that the Inspectors are proposing to secure the soundness of the new Local Plan. 

Main Modifications are material changes to the submitted Local Plan which are necessary to make it sound and legally compliant.  Main Modifications are proposed without prejudice to the Inspectors’ final conclusions on the Local Plan.

Lewisham Council is consulting on the following documents:

A            Lewisham Local Plan Main Modifications Schedule January 2025.

B            Lewisham Local Plan Additional Modifications Schedule January 2025.

C            Lewisham Local Plan Changes to the Policies Map January 2025.

D            Integrated Impact Assessment January 2025.

E            Habitats Regulations Assessment January 2025.

Responses to the consultation must only speak to the soundness of the Proposed Modifications.  There is no opportunity to comment on other aspects of the new Local Plan that do not correspond with a Proposed Modification or change. 

In making a response to the consultation, participants must clearly specify the Main Modification reference number; comprised of the suffix MM, followed by its identifier number.  They must also clearly state why the Proposed Modification is unsound and the consequential modification that is required to secure soundness.

A standard template has been prepared to ensure that responses to the consultation can be considered and processed in a timely and consistent fashion.  Those participating in the consultation are expected to submit completed templates for each individual Main Modification that they want to comment on.  There is a facility to submit relevant technical evidence as an attachment, where this is necessary to the consultation response.    

The soundness of the Proposed Modifications is assessed against the four tests set out under NPPF Paragraph 35.  Plans are ‘sound’ if they are positively prepared, justified, effective, and consistent with national policy. 

The Lewisham Local Plan was submitted on 3 November 2023, and is being assessed against the NPPF September 2023, as this was the published version current at the time of submission.  This is in accordance with NPPF Para 235 (December 2024).

Be positively prepared

Providing a strategy which, as a minimum seeks to meet the area’s objectively assessed needs, and is informed by agreements with other authorities, so that unmet need from neighbouring authorities is accommodated where it is practical to do so and is consistent with achieving sustainable development.

Be Justified

An appropriate strategy, taking into account the reasonable alternatives, based on proportionate evidence.

Be Effective

Deliverable over the plan period and based on effective joint working on cross-boundary strategic matters that have been dealt with rather than deferred.

Be consistent with national policy

Enabling the delivery of sustainable development in accordance with the policies in the NPPF.

Responses relating to A, D and E fall within the scope of the Examination and will be considered by the Inspectors, prior to publishing their final report.

In the interests of fairness and completeness, the Council is also inviting comments on B and C separately, albeit these are outside the scope of the Examination. The Council will consider responses relating to B and C and will be responsible and accountable for making these Additional Modification, or Proposed Changes to the Submitted Policies Map upon adoption of the Plan.

In making a response to these documents, participants must clearly specify the Additional Modification, or Proposed Changes to the Policies Map reference number; these are comprised of the suffix AM or PCSPM, followed by the relevant identifier number.  The response should clearly set out why the Additional Modification or Proposed Changes to the Policies Map needs further amendment.  Please note that these Modifications do not relate to the soundness of the new Local Plan.  They are being introduced to reflect the factual position, correcting errors in spelling and grammar, and adjusting formatting.  Responses are expected to focus on these specific matters. 

Additionally, the Council is publishing the following documents for information only, to provide context for the Proposed Modifications. There is no opportunity to comment on documents F – J listed below:

F  Planning Inspectorate Post Hearing Letter November 2024

G   Lewisham Local Plan: Track change version at Modifications Stage January 2025.

H    Integrated Impact Assessment December 2022

I      Integrated Impact Assessment Non-Technical Summary December 2022.

J     Habitats Regulations Assessment December 2022.

Where can I inspect the Proposed Main Modification and the other related documents?

Those with an interest in the Proposed Main Modifications can inspect physical copies as well as other supporting documents at the following locations: 

  • Deptford Lounge Library, 9 Giffin Street, London, SE8 4RJ
  • Grove Park Community Library, Somertrees Avenue, London, SE12 0BX
  • Forest Hill Community Library, Dartmouth Road, London, SE23 3HZ
  • Downham Library, 7-9 Moorside Road, Bromley, BR1 5EP
  • Sydenham Library, Sydenham Road, London SE26 5SE
  • Catford Library, Catford Centre, 23-24 Winslade Way, London, SE6 4RU
  • London Borough of Lewisham, Laurence House, 1 Catford Rd, London, SE6 4JU. Please arrange an appointment for viewing at Laurence House by emailing localplan@lewisham.gov.uk

Information on Library opening times can be found at: https://lewisham.gov.uk/myservices/libraries/branches or by calling 02083147400.

The documents listed above and further information about the consultation on the Proposed Modifications can also be viewed online: https://consultation.lewisham.gov.uk/planning/lewishamlocalplanproposedmodificationsconsultation/  

Please arrange an appointment for viewing at Laurence House by emailing localplan@lewisham.gov.uk.

Information on Library opening times can be found at: https://lewisham.gov.uk/myservices/libraries/branches or by calling 02083147400.

Please use the link at the very bottom of this page to respond to the modification. Or, alternatively the link is provided here: https://consultation.lewisham.gov.uk/planning/lewishamlocalplanproposedmodificationsconsultation/  


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