
Closes 23 Sep 2024

Opened 8 Jul 2024


Community Groups and organisations can apply for NCIL funding to deliver their own projects, please visit the Community Funding Portal to find out how.

Residents are invited to support up to nine suggested capital projects. Your preferences will contribute to the overall assessment process. To view and support these projects, please continue reading.

Lewisham Council is launching the second round of Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy (NCIL) funding, which will provide up to two years of funding for a wide range of community projects. The funding comes from the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) and must be spent on infrastructure projects – either capital or revenue projects that improve our local areas in response to new development. 

What is Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) and Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy (NCIL)? 

A levy, called Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), is charged to certain new developments in the borough. In Lewisham 25% of the total raised is set aside as NCIL to be spent in conversation with local communities on Lewisham’s priorities. The rest is spent on infrastructure such as for schools, hospitals, roads, open space, and leisure facilities. 

The Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy (NCIL) gives local authorities a fantastic opportunity to work with local communities to use funding from development on infrastructure projects in their local area.   

What’s new? 

In the last round of NCIL, residents and organisations applied for capital projects that were then delivered by Council teams – a number of these, when properly costed and assessed for delivery, either exceeded the funding requested or were undeliverable in the NCIL timeframe because of a number of technical challenges. 

In Round 2, we’ve made it easier for residents and groups to show their support for capital projects. A selection of Council delivered infrastructure projects have been proposed with input from ward councillors and officers who work closely with communities and understand which projects have community support.   

Proposed projects have been assessed and shortlisted based on: 

  • How well they match the NCIL fund criteria 

  • Whether they meet Lewisham’s Corporate priorities 

  • Affordability 

  • Deliverability  

How much funding is available? 

In Lewisham there are two NCIL funds available: 

  • The Borough-wide NCIL fund awards funding to projects that will benefit three or more wards in the borough or the whole of Lewisham. The Borough-wide NCIL fund has a total of £621,732.92. 

  • The Ward NCIL fund awards funding to  projects which benefit each of the 19 individual wards in Lewisham. The amount available in each Ward NCIL fund varies.

See the table below for the total amount of funding available for each ward, bearing in mind this is everything that is available for any council delivered and community delivered projects that are selected.  


2025 – 27 NCIL Funding  







Catford South 


Crofton Park 








Forest Hill 


Grove Park 


Hither Green 




Lee Green 


Lewisham Central 


New Cross Gate 


Perry Vale 


Rushey Green 




Telegraph Hill 


Why your views matter

Residents, businesses and community groups are invited to show their support for Council delivered capital projects via the council’s online consultation hub. Here you will find summaries for each project and information to help you decide which projects to support. You will be able to select from one or more of the 19 ward surveys and the borough-wide survey where you are invited to choose up to 9 of the shortlisted projects to support by selecting them from the drop-down menus available on each survey.  

Neighbourhood Planning and NCIL in Lewisham

Lewisham has formally adopted three neighbourhood plans. Each neighbourhood plan identifies infrastructure priorities specific to its neighbourhood plan area. These priorities can be used to inform project proposals during the open call for community-led projects if your project falls into one of these neighbourhood plan areas. Maps of the neighbourhood plan area are available to help identify the area that each plans priorities will cover. To view each neighbourhood plan and review the priorities please use the links below:


  • All Areas


  • Anyone from any background


  • Adult social care
  • Children social care
  • Health and wellbeing
  • Parks and open spaces
  • Sport and leisure
  • Arts and culture
  • Libraries
  • Regeneration
  • Planning
  • Environment
  • Refuse and recycling
  • Transport and traffic
  • Housing and homelessness
  • Crime and safety
  • Schools and education
  • Business and local economy
  • Council Tax and benefits
  • Spending and budgets
  • Commissioning
  • Civic participation and democracy
  • Equality and diversity
  • Learning and development