Lewisham Local Plan – Call for Sites

Closed 1 Nov 2018

Opened 19 Sep 2018


This consultation will help us prepare our new Local Plan, which once adopted, will comprise part of Lewisham's statutory development plan. Specifically, the consultation will assist the Council in identifying strategic sites for a range of land uses which can support delivery of the spatial strategy for the borough. Where appropriate, sites identified through this consultation may be taken forward in planning policies (such as site allocations or land-use designations). This exercise will help us to plan for the delivery of new housing in Lewisham to meet local need, including for affordable housing.

Further guidance notes on this consultation can be accessed from the ‘Online Survey’ link below.

Why your views matter

The Call for Sites is an opportunity for individuals and organisations to make suggestions for the future use or development of land within the borough, which will be considered in the early stages of preparation of Lewisham’s new local plan.

This consultation is entirely ‘Optional’ and you do not need to participate unless you choose to. Your personal information will only be viewed by members of the Strategic Planning team at London Borough of Lewisham and we will only use them for relevant planning purposes and will not be shared with any third party.

The information submitted, other than personal details and contact information, will be made publically available with a summary published as part of the Local Plan evidence base; your name will normally still be displayed.

By submitting your contact details to this consultation, you are consenting to be added to the Strategic Planning team's consultation data base, and may be contacted regarding future Strategic Planning consultations. The Strategic Planning database is retained and managed by the Strategic Planning team only, and we will not transfer any data to another territory outside of the EEA. We will hold this data for a maximum of five years, or until,  if you request to be removed from our consultation data base sooner.

If, at any point, you wish to be removed from our database, please contact planning.policy@lewisham.gov.uk 

What happens next

We will review all sites submitted through the Call for Sites consultation and assess their potential to be included within the new Local Plan. There will be an opportunity to comment on the allocation and designation of sites during the next stages of public consultation on the draft Local Plan.


  • Bellingham
  • Blackheath
  • Brockley
  • Catford South
  • Crofton Park
  • Downham
  • Evelyn
  • Forest Hill
  • Grove Park
  • Ladywell
  • Lee Green
  • Lewisham Central
  • Perry Vale
  • Rushey Green
  • Sydenham
  • Telegraph Hill


  • General public
  • Lewisham residents
  • Businesses
  • Voluntary and community groups
  • Professional stakeholders (e.g. teachers, GPs, police etc.)


  • Planning